
Continuing Professional Development - Words in action

Careers & Training
The first signing course to join the QCA framework can provide a basis for other qualifications. Karen Faux reports.

Signing with Babies and Children, developed by training company Signs for Success, is the first signing course to be accredited on the QCA framework. Designed by Kathy Robinson, it is a level 3 continuous professional development course pitched at level 2 and 3 students. It represents six credits, awarded by Edexcel, which can build towards other childcare qualifications.

The activities on the course are based on British Sign Language techniques. Signs are used as clues to words and children are encouraged to physically enact words. As Kathy Robinson says, 'When children sign, they see, feel, think and do words. The activities improve memory retention and recall and give self-esteem to those who need it.'

She says take-up of the course by local authorities has been strong. 'We are currently working with a variety of boroughs where as many as ten practitioners in a setting are undertaking the course,' she says. 'Transformation Fund money has been invested, and after March we are looking at other funding streams, including the Graduate Leadership Fund.

'Practitioners pursue the course at home and then practise signing in their settings. Managers can improve their practice without having to release staff.

'The course represents 180 hours of learning in total, and at the end of it a practitioner will have a theoretical and practical knowledge of signing that they can use for the rest of their career and develop as they wish.'

The pack accompanying the course includes DVDs, a WOW Fingerspelling Phonics Pack, books and a puppet.

Key areas:

- Theoretical and practical knowledge of early child development

- Observation, planning and activities to support development

- Signs to use during play activities and everyday routines

- Behaviour management signs and techniques to promote positive behaviour

- Early phonics through play

- Record and evaluate the impact signed and spoken interaction has on early development

- Strategy for embedding the programme in the home and early years setting

- How the first three years of life lay the foundations of literacy development.

Further information: www.signsforsuccess.co.uk.