
Better. Bolder. Brighter – a new look for Nursery World

Equipment & Resources
We’re delighted to introduce a great new look for Nursery World magazine in our 30 April issue now out.

We've come up with this new approach after talking to you, our readers, about how we can help you to get the most from your favourite early years title.

The new Nursery World is designed to be easy to find your way around, with colour coding for news, opinion, practice and management sections. The fresh, modern style is aimed to make the wealth of advice and information we offer more accessible, while maintaining the authority and expertise of our articles, written by the leading figures in the early years sector.

Our first new-look issue has a special theme, assembling the top experts to discuss not only what the future of the EYFS should be, but more widely how early childhood education can meet the needs of young children in a fast-changing world. Articles include:

  • Dr Julian Grenier on a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Professor Iram Siraj on early education fit for the future
  • Professors Chris Pascal and Tony Bertram, and Kathryn Peckham on communication, language and literacy
  • Carol Archer on physical developmentcover
  • Marc Faulder and Lorraine Kaye on digital technology
  • Jan Dubiel on the Prime and Specific Areas
  • Ratios and the key person in Reception

And we’ve got some fantastic new series and articles coming soon, including:

  • Penny Tassoni and speech therapist Anne-Marie Tassoni with a series on supporting communication and language
  • A special focus ‘All About…Junk Modelling’
  • A series by Julie Fisher on the adult’s role in early learning
  • A new series on recruiting and retaining early years staff
  • Our annual Nursery Equipment supplement on ‘Risk and Challenge’

Don’t miss out. Subscribe to Nursery World and join our early years community for ideas, information and inspiration.