
In brief...Cash boost for schools

Every school environment stands to benefit immediately from a 10m cash boost announced today (Thursday) by minister for education Jack McConnell. The money is the first stage of a new long-term strategic approach to improving Scotland's school environments. Mr McConnell said, 'Children in Scotland deserve to learn in a positive environment to allow them to reach their full potential. By providing extra money for books, equipment and minor repairs for every school across the country, we are taking another step towards ensuring that happens. I want to see equipment and maintenance of school buildings improved year on year.'
Every school environment stands to benefit immediately from a 10m cash boost announced today (Thursday) by minister for education Jack McConnell. The money is the first stage of a new long-term strategic approach to improving Scotland's school environments. Mr McConnell said, 'Children in Scotland deserve to learn in a positive environment to allow them to reach their full potential. By providing extra money for books, equipment and minor repairs for every school across the country, we are taking another step towards ensuring that happens. I want to see equipment and maintenance of school buildings improved year on year.'