
A campaign to recruit 450 people

A campaign to recruit 450 people from all walks of life to children's panels for vulnerable and troubled children was launched last week by the Scottish Executive. Minister for education and young people Peter Peacock said, 'Panel members are a small army who make a huge difference to children's lives. They are vital to the work of the Children's Hearing System.' The aim of this year's campaign is to bring more men and members of ethnic minorities into the system, which is unique to Scotland. The recruitment line is on 0845 601 2770.
A campaign to recruit 450 people from all walks of life to children's panels for vulnerable and troubled children was launched last week by the Scottish Executive. Minister for education and young people Peter Peacock said, 'Panel members are a small army who make a huge difference to children's lives. They are vital to the work of the Children's Hearing System.' The aim of this year's campaign is to bring more men and members of ethnic minorities into the system, which is unique to Scotland. The recruitment line is on 0845 601 2770.