
Alarm sounded on unregistered childminders

Children's safety is being put at risk with the large number of unregistered childminders working in Northern Ireland, a childcare organisation has warned.

The Northern Ireland Childminding Association (NICMA) surveyed more than 200 newly registered childminders and found that more than one-third knew of at least one unregistered childminder operating in their area. One in six said that competition from unregistered childminders was having a negative impact on their business.

NICMA director Bridget Nodder said, 'We're very concerned at these findings. Our main concern is that the use of illegal childcarers, who have not been inspected, have not had a CRB check and have no insurance, are putting the safety of children at risk.'

'It's unfair that unregistered childminders are making it more difficult for legitimate childminders to fill their places. Those who follow the rules and adhere to proper standards are penalised because of those who are flouting the law.'

Ms Nodder said she thought the recession was to blame for more parents choosing to use unregistered childminders, who often charge lower fees but take more children than they would be allowed to if they were registered.

However, she pointed out that many parents would gain financially if they used a registered childminder because they could be entitled to tax credits.

NICMA has launched a major publicity drive to make parents aware of the benefits of using registered childminders. Unregistered or prospective childminders have also been sent information to encourage them to register.

NICMA said it would like social services teams to take a more pro-active approach towards unregistered childminders, but to give those operating outside the law a chance to register first.

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