
Children share Polish language stories

Polish children are enjoying weekly storytelling sessions in their mother tongue at a Blackpool public library.

The half-hour 'bajki po polsku' - Polish storytime - sessions, open toall children but targeted at those from Polish families, take place atBlackpool Central Library on Saturday mornings. Eliza Marland, a libraryassistant from Poland, who has worked at the library for three years,reads to the children.

Library manager Anna Stevens said, 'We've always had a lot of seasonalworkers come to Blackpool from Poland, but over the past two or threemore and more families have settled and their children are startingschool in the area. We've got Polish and dual language books in thelibrary, but we realised we were not doing anything for the under-fives.We think it will take off as the children are coming in more and more.Eliza is finding reading to the children very rewarding.'

The library is also starting English classes for Polish people onThursday mornings from 28 February.