
Name that bug

Make a caterpillar name plate using paper plates. Planned learning intention
Make a caterpillar name plate using paper plates.

Planned learning intention

Communication, language and literacy Resources

Small paper plates, pipe cleaners, crayons, paper fasteners

Step by step

* Provide each child with a small paper plate. Ask them to colour the plate to make the head portion of a caterpillar. Add the eyes and mouth and pipe cleaners as antennae.

* Ask the children to write the first letter of their name on another plate. Then write each subsequent letter on another plate. For example, a child called Sam would have three plates, with a fourth for the caterpillar!s head.

* Colour around the edges of the plates with crayons or felt-tipped pens to make patterns.

* Fasten all the plates together with paper fasteners with the caterpillar's head at the front.

* The children can then count the number of letters in their name and compare it with names of other children in the group.

* Find out whose 'name bug' is the longest and whose is the shortest.

* The name bugs can be displayed around the room and changed when children leave or enter the playgroup.