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People and places

Chain on the shortlist

The nursery chain Child Base has been named as one of nine finalists inthe City & Guilds Employer of the Year Award category in the 2007National Business Awards. The winner will be announced at an awardceremony in London on 13 November. Child Base is the seventh largestnursery provider in the UK and Ireland, offering over 2,500 places in 33nurseries.

More nursery teachers

Renfrewshire County Council has been awarded 312,000 in Scottishgovernment funding to create eight nursery teacher posts. The educationdepartment is planning to focus the additional teachers on areas ofdeprivation, with the funding expanding the access to teaching in 31nurseries and settings across the county.

Funds raised for disabled

Chorley-based charity the Legacy Rainbow House broke all records intheir fund-raising efforts by raising 32,000 for their centresfor disabled children. The charity's annual ball, with a theme of PinkDiamond, was held in honour of Libby May, who attended Rainbow House andpassed away this year, aged four.

Walking off with prizes

The Walkodile, a group safety walking harness for young children, hasswept the board at the British Invention Show, scooping five firstprizes. The inventor, primary school teacher Elaine Stephen, also won aunique double honour, UK Invention of the Year and UK Design of theYear.

Open for business

First christmas festivities

A Nottinghamshire nursery that opened last month is planning a ChristmasFair to celebrate. Ashfield Plaza Day Nursery in Kirkby in Ashfieldoffers a 60-place nursery, plus breakfast and after-school clubs forfive- to eight-year-olds.

In stock

Delivering the core offer

A free Core Offer Toolkit is now available to all practitioners workingin children's centres and extended schools. Produced by learning charityContinYou on behalf of the Government Office for London, the toolkitprovides guidance, support and resources, and includes sections onparenting support and activity ideas. Free downloads are

PHOTO of the WEEK: One-year-old Charlie White gets ready for afund-raising toddle waddle at Fitzsimmons Place Nursery in Guildford forthe Meningitis Trust. Children, parents and staff walked to the towncentre and raised over 830.

Nursery World Jobs

Senior Nursery Manager

Bournemouth, Dorset

Early Years Adviser

Sutton, London (Greater)

Nursery Manager

Norwich, Norfolk

Nursery Manager

Poole, Dorset