
Standards drawn for leaders of centres

The first formalised standards for children's centre leaders, setting out the knowledge, professionalism and skills expected of those who run integrated services, were revealed on Monday. The standards will be used to assess the leadership skills of people taking the National Professional Qualification in Integrated Centre Leadership (NPQICL) and to draw up job descriptions and professional development.
The first formalised standards for children's centre leaders, setting out the knowledge, professionalism and skills expected of those who run integrated services, were revealed on Monday.

The standards will be used to assess the leadership skills of people taking the National Professional Qualification in Integrated Centre Leadership (NPQICL) and to draw up job descriptions and professional development.

Commissioned by the DfES, the standards were developed by the National College for School Leadership and Pen Green Research, Training and Development Base, after consultation with the early years sector and related professionals .

Director of Pen Green, Dr Margy Whalley, said it was the first time that early years heads had a set of standards, which unlike those for schools, reflected the multi-agency aspects of running a children's centre.

She said, 'We wanted standards that recognise the complexity of running a children's centre. It's a wonderful opportunity for people from different disciplines to have their skills recognised.'

Carolyn Chivers, head of Hythe Bay Children's Centre, near Folkestone, said that the new standards gave children's centre leaders the opportunity to show what running a multi-agency setting was about. She said, 'They really reflect the job that people do who run children's centres.'

Guidance supporting the standards will be available from the National College of School Leadership in early summer.

The standards, based on six areas, will be available from Sure Start at

Carolyn Chivers, head of Hythe Bay Children's Centre, near Folkestone, said that the new standards gave children's centre leaders the opportunity to show what running a multi-agency setting was about. She said, 'They really reflect the job that people do who run children's centres.'

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