
Tell us about gaps in NVQs, say trainers

Employers, candidates and training providers who have noticed omissions or inconsistencies in the National Occupational Standards for early education and childcare have been invited by the Early Years National Training Organisation (EYNTO) to contribute to a major review. The standards set out the knowledge and understanding, skills and levels of competence childcarers need in order to work at different levels of responsibility. They provide the framework for the requirements of National Vocational Qualifications and Scottish Vocational Qualifications, which will be adjusted in the light of the review.
Employers, candidates and training providers who have noticed omissions or inconsistencies in the National Occupational Standards for early education and childcare have been invited by the Early Years National Training Organisation (EYNTO) to contribute to a major review.

The standards set out the knowledge and understanding, skills and levels of competence childcarers need in order to work at different levels of responsibility. They provide the framework for the requirements of National Vocational Qualifications and Scottish Vocational Qualifications, which will be adjusted in the light of the review.

EYNTO director Savita Ayling said, 'Since the standards were introduced in 1998, we have had comments and observations about "gaps" in the standards. This is almost inevitable, since the sector is changing at such a frenetic pace.'

The EYNTO can be contacted on 01727 738300 or e-mail