
The third phase of the Government's national childcare recruitment campaign launched

The third phase of the Government's national childcare recruitment campaign was launched in London this week by Sure Start minister Baroness Ashton. The four-week, 4m advertising campaign stresses the need for a diverse workforce, with a particular focus on people with disabilities and those from ethnic minority communities. There will also be specifically targeted information for men. The advertising features a range of scenes depicting different types of childcare settings accompanied by comments by children on how their childcarer has inspired them, on the theme of 'making a difference in a child's life'. The campaign website has been revamped to coincide with the launch and can be viewed at
The third phase of the Government's national childcare recruitment campaign was launched in London this week by Sure Start minister Baroness Ashton. The four-week, 4m advertising campaign stresses the need for a diverse workforce, with a particular focus on people with disabilities and those from ethnic minority communities. There will also be specifically targeted information for men. The advertising features a range of scenes depicting different types of childcare settings accompanied by comments by children on how their childcarer has inspired them, on the theme of 'making a difference in a child's life'. The campaign website has been revamped to coincide with the launch and can be viewed at