
This school or else

Further to the news story 'Change nurseries now, parents told' (18 September), this is not only happening to day nurseries, for it has been happening to private nursery schools with primary school provision for some time. I used to work for a local Parents' National Education Union school and the parents were often intimidated into taking away their children, some of whom were only four, by being told that their place at the new school could only be offered now and would not be available later. Sometimes this tactic was taken knowing full well that the parents had to give notice.
Further to the news story 'Change nurseries now, parents told' (18 September), this is not only happening to day nurseries, for it has been happening to private nursery schools with primary school provision for some time.

I used to work for a local Parents' National Education Union school and the parents were often intimidated into taking away their children, some of whom were only four, by being told that their place at the new school could only be offered now and would not be available later. Sometimes this tactic was taken knowing full well that the parents had to give notice.

The parents were always unsure about what to do and talked to us about it.

Naturally we tried to advise them to keep their children with us until they were five or seven and able to sit the exams for the chosen school. Then the children would be gaining a place at the school on their own ability.

Nearly all the parents I have seen since have realised their mistake and wish they hadn't taken their children away at that time.

The child has to come first - not the parents wishing to gain status by having their children seen in a particular colour of jumper.

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