
Opinion: Editor's letter

Why the child must be at the centre of EYFS best practice

Welcome to the new Nursery World! We've been working away on a new structure and design that will ensure we meet our readers' needs even better.

Nursery World's new approach will reflect the forthcoming Early Years Foundation Stage, with all the news, information and advice that professionals will need to provide the best possible service for children under the new framework. Our smart, modern design complements the growing professionalism of a workforce that is becoming more highly skilled and better qualified, and highlights the many innovative new features that we are introducing.

Each week, Nursery World will include news and analysis, with all the latest on Government policy, sector developments, people and places; opinion, with views from across the sector; practice, with features linking in to the four EYFS themes - A Unique Child, Learning and Development, Enabling Environments, and Positive Relationships; and Work Matters, with regular updates on management, regulation and careers.

Behind all these changes is the recognition that we need to keep the child at the centre of everything we do, never losing children's best interests amid a welter of tickboxes and planning documents. So we'll be devoting a lot of space to issues such as attachment, the key person approach and child development, showing how theory can translate into practice and drawing on expert knowledge and real-life case studies.

The implementation of the EYFS framework must be seen as an opportunity for young children to be given the best start in life, with services that nurture their emotional development as a priority.

Let me know what you think at liz.roberts@haymarket.com.