
Opinion: In my view - How to hit the target

The commitment made by Tony Blair in 1999 to halve child poverty by 2010 and eradicate it by 2020 was perhaps New Labour's most courageous pledge.

Persuading the Government to meet the 2010 target has been Barnardo'smain campaigning priority. But we have been critically aware that in atime of worthy and competing priorities, and when the scope forincreased public expenditure is limited, it is glib simply to demandthat additional money be spent to meet the target. Under currentspending plans, the Government will fall short of its own target by550,000 children.

In our report How to Halve Child Poverty by 2010, produced with the helpof business advisory firm Deloitte and the Institute for Fiscal Studies,we identify two areas in which Government expenditure this year can beredirected to help succeed in meeting the target - without spending apenny extra.

Our proposal that the 10p tax rate compensation package not be repeatednext year will not be welcomed by those who have benefited. But it isclear that the benefit of that rescue package to children in povertywas, essentially, zero. Our proposal to amend the tax credit system,taking resources away from relatively better-off families, will beunwelcome news to such families, who are certainly not living inaffluence.

But the money saved from these two changes creates the capacity for theGovernment to meet its 2010 commitment. If our recommendations areaccepted, it will have removed around 1.7 million children in the UKfrom poverty since 1998-99 - a truly historic achievement. Spendingdecisions aren't easy, but surely, when it comes to children living inpoverty in the world's fifth richest country, there is no choice.- Martin Narey, chief executive of Barnardo's and chairman of Campaignto End Child Poverty.