
EYP Diary: Full steam ahead for 2013

Management Careers & Training
Nikki Fairchild describes how this month's learning journeys have been thought provoking and stimulating for candidates across the four pathways. Meanwhile the university gets ready to welcome its next cohort of budding EYPs

Setting visits are progressing for our Graduate Entry Pathway and Undergraduate Practitioner Pathway. Candidates have provided all the required setting visit papers and are being visited by assessors who will perform a scrutiny of the document portfolio and witness statements, observe candidate practice, take a tour of the setting and have a final candidate interview.

All the setting visits will be complete by 14 December and then there will be a final moderation event before Christmas with the results available early in the New Year. Candidates have worked hard to prepare for these visits and I wish them all best wishes for the next few weeks.

Recruitment for January 2013

We have almost finalised our recruitment activity and have strong numbers for the Graduate Practitioner Pathway starting in January. The candidates come from many different backgrounds including child-minders, PVI settings, and Reception classes and all showed a strong desire to better outcomes for children, staff and parents in their respective settings.

Teaching Agency advertisements for EYPS pathways in January 2013

The Teaching Agency has raised the profile of EYPS training pathway by advertising in Nursery World for candidates to apply for the January 2013 intake. Although the sector is waiting for the Government response to the Nutbrown Review the Teaching Agency has supported our recruitment efforts for January with these advertisements

Module assignments for UPPs

Our Undergraduate Practitioner Pathway candidates have been attending credit-bearing modules as part of their top up to the BA (Ordinary). I have been involved in assessing the presentations for the Children in Crisis module. These were all very emotive and informative and included subjects such as One Child Policy, Street Children, Child Soldiers and Child Labour in various countries. They have also been involved in a Professional Practice module where areas of best practice were explored and reflected on, resulting in a three part reflective account of an aspect of their practice.

Learning Journeys this month

This month’s focus for our four pathways is in the following areas:-

Multi-professional Working

There was a guest lecture from an occupation therapist who specialised in work with children. She supported candidates to consider how they worked in multi-professional teams, the positive benefits and the challenges they faced.

Child’s Voice and Attachment

Candidates consider the Mosaic Approach and how they can facilitate strong attachments. They reflect on their own settings and how they can promote listening to the child’s voice and how their setting promotes attachments and evaluates the key person system.


Candidates have been asked to draft a ten minute presentation on an aspect of their professional practice. This can be supplemented by a PowerPoint presentation or photographs to help them make their point. There is then a chance to have a question and answer session after each presentation.

Merry Christmas!

May I take this opportunity to wish all who have been involved in the EYPS delivery over the past year a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. The help and support you have all given has been inspiring and has supported our candidates in their achievements. Thank you!

Nikki Fairchild is EYP programme co-ordinator at the University of Chichester