
EYP Diary - getting ready to celebrate success

Careers & Training
Those who started the EYP programme at the University of Chichester in January 2012 are looking forward to celebrating their graduation on 22 March, says EYP programme co-ordinator Nikki Fairchild.

This promises to be a fantastic evening and there will be time at the end for EYPs to network and catch up with each other.

Dr Tim Gully is lined up to be the guest speaker and our vice-chancellor Professor Clive Behagg will be giving the welcome address and presenting certificates to all attendees. We are delighted to see these worthy candidates achieving the status at the University of Chichester.

Candidates on pathways commencing September 2012

The September Graduate Practitioner Pathway (GPP) cohort is moving into setting visits which start next week. They are currently updating their assessor documents to return them to me. Once checked I will send these to their nominated assessor. This is a stressful time for the candidates who are being supported by their tutor in the final phase of their pathway.

Progress of university of Chichester candidates

We currently have four pathways in progress at different stages:-

  •   Graduate Entry pathway (GEP) and Undergraduate Entry Pathway (UEP).
The GEPs have handed in their first assignment and are preparing to spend more time in their placement settings to allow them to put into practice what they have been learning in the classroom. In addition to sessions with their tutor I have monthly sessions with them where we explore problems and discuss potential solutions.

Balancing EYPS and the BA is the preoccupation of our UEPs. They have handed in their first assignment and are showing good signs of developing leadership skills and personalising provision for children. The have all secured additional placement settings and are showing great tenacity in balancing their time across the two areas.

  • Undergraduate Practitioner Pathways

I have met with all the UPPs last week and we have agreed a timetable of EYPS specific sessions to allow me to support them. Our current focus is the mid-point Development Review which will be a chance to view evidence collected to date, and to signpost an action plan for the remainder of the pathway. All candidates have started their final credit-bearing module which will fulfil the requirements of the UPP. Some are considering a self-funded progression to an honour degree and are investigating their options.

  • Graduate Practitioner Pathways

We were pleased to welcome 12 new GPPs on 16 January 2013. These candidates come from a range of backgrounds such as private settings, foundation stage units and maintained schools. They have started on their training pathway and are thinking about what to write in their first assignment!

Moving on to September 2013

The Government has released its response to the Nutbrown review in the report ‘More Great Childcare’. It is clear that there are changes ahead for Early Years Professionals who are currently in training and for those who have already achieved the status. I have sent all my current candidates and alumni a copy of a Teaching Agency information sheet which details what these changes mean for them. The University will continue to support its candidates who are on EYPS pathways to enable them to reach their setting visit and gain the accreditation.