
My Best Course - Steiner brings out the artist in trainees

Careers & Training
The Level 5 in Early Childhood Studies Steiner run by NESWEC is proving to be very rewarding for Northumberland-based Jennifer Power.

Jennifer Power's interest in Steiner goes back to when her son was a pre-schooler and she began leading Steiner parent and child groups. Last year she decided she wanted to develop this experience to work with older children and pursue her interest in Steiner outdoor practice.

Last October she enrolled on the North of England Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Studies programme (NESWEC) to gain the Level 5 qualification. This is a three-year course, described as being for 'hands, heart and head', covering the principles and practice of the Steiner philosophy through distance learning, placements and weekend residential schools. Completion of year two provides the Level 4 qualification while a final year of full-time, supported work placement achieves the Level 5.

Ms Power, who is a doctor, says, 'I started the course in October and have been attending the weekend residential schools in York once a month. There are ten of us and we all come from very different professional backgrounds but many of us share an interest in Steiner as parents.

'There is a core of tutors and each weekend is delivered by two of them. I have already learned so much and the tutors have been very helpful. We've been encouraged to think deeply about how theory translates to practice and how kindergartens work.

'Steiner places a big emphasis on art and crafts, and while some of us in the group are more skilled than others, everyone has enjoyed working with clay and paint.

'A very big part of the approach centres on observation and understanding child development. There is a focus on giving children a peaceful, beautiful environment with lots of song and ring-time activities, and enabling them to learn through imitation and doing things practically.'

Ms Power has been very impressed by the professional way the course is run.


NESWEC is running an introductory weekend in Stourbridge, West Midlands, on 31 May - www.neswec.org.uk.