
My Best course - Using visual language

Michelle Tarry explains that taking a course in signs and symbols
has helped her to teach children of all abilities.

The use of signs to aid children's understanding is supported in the Early Years Foundation Stage, which talks about 'the need to be alert to the child demonstrating attainment in a variety of ways, including eye pointing, use of symbols or signs.'

Manager Michelle Tarry has long used signs and symbols at Ruddington Day Nursery, Nottingham. She says, 'We are big on integrating children and have found that using symbols has meant other children were able to communicate with the children with difficulties. We used a symbol and phrase to help a child whose first language is Portuguese know that they need to brush their teeth, and their parents hold the same symbol up at home while repeating the phrase in Portuguese.'

She enrolled on An Introduction to Using Signs and Symbols course from Nottinghamshire County Council to cement her knowledge, as she is working towards being a language lead for her setting.

Taught by an early years specialist teacher and speech and language therapist, the free course comprised a pair of two-hour sessions over a fortnight. The first session involved defining signs (which are hand gestures) and symbols (a visual depiction of an event). It went on to talk about how their use supports behaviour, emergent literacy, attention and speaking and listening skills.

The second session taught attendees how to use the computer programme Communicate: In Print 2, which enables users to create materials using signs and symbols generated by entering words. Attendees also had to make an action plan to support the use of signs and symbols.

'The course has made a huge impact and I can train the staff,' says Ms Tarry. 'We're now going to introduce visual timetables and develop our English as a second language provision. It is also good to be keeping up to date with new practices and this is a particularly up and coming area.'