
Work matters: Management Focus - Funding the outdoors

Nurseries have found that investing in their outdoor provision is bringing about a welcome change of culture. Karen Faux reports.

Gaining funding to revamp outdoor areas has been part of an important process of change for the three-strong Portland Nurseries chain in the Huddersfield area.

Owner Rosemary Murphy says, 'When we applied for capital funding at the beginning of the year, we had already identified the changes we wanted to make to our practice and had started training staff in the use of the outdoors.'

Just over £100,000 was secured from Kirklees Early Years Service at the beginning of the year. The work is now nearly complete.

Ms Murphy reports that Kirklees has been very keen to ensure that local PVI settings have benefited from the fund and the authority has been supportive in helping the nursery to get the work done.

Portland's biggest setting now boasts a den, a super-sized sandpit, a willow tunnel and a tree house. The other gardens feature trails and bird-watching posts, while all have composting and areas for planting and growing. Ms Murphy says the nurseries wanted to retain a wild and untamed feel.

'There is a lot of variety between the nurseries' outdoor spaces, but we wanted to ensure that all benefited from an emphasis on natural objects and features,' she says. 'This hasn't been about installing big pieces of play equipment, although we may install a climbing frame in one of the gardens if there is room.'

Ms Murphy reports that there has been a resulting change in the culture of the nursery. 'Now that the outdoor environment has been improved it is more available to the children, and they do not need to be entertained so much. In line with this, our practitioners have had to change their approach to planning.'

Younger staff have also had to be encouraged to use the outdoors more. Ms Murphy says, 'We find that those between the ages of 18 and 25 tend not to look at the potential for going outdoors, although this typically changes as they get a bit older. However, our younger staff have now embraced the outdoors and are really enjoying it.

'It's good to see all the staff taking ownership of the space and feeding it into their practice. Some are even going on to do Forest School training.'

Portland Nurseries is keen to ensure that the children's parents are fully involved. Recently there have been stay-and-play outdoor sessions and parents have been invited to help with den building.

'It is a valuable learning curve,' says Ms Murphy. 'I hope that other nurseries will be encouraged to apply for this funding and improve their outdoors.'

She adds, 'But with so much legwork involved, it is important to have a detailed plan from the outset.'