
A month in the life of Harry Tobias

This month saw the arrival of Harry's baby brother Alfie Jack - a strange experience for Harry, but one he coped with very well. Mummy went into hospital during the night, and when Harry woke and found her gone, he seemed able to accept that she had gone to get the baby at the hospital (a phrase he had been prepared with), but wanted to be cuddled continuously nonetheless. On Mummy and Alfie's arrival home next day, Harry immediately demanded a banana, ensuring he was still going to get Mummy's attention. With banana in hand he said hello to Alfie and showed the banana to him, saying 'Look, Alfie'.
This month saw the arrival of Harry's baby brother Alfie Jack - a strange experience for Harry, but one he coped with very well. Mummy went into hospital during the night, and when Harry woke and found her gone, he seemed able to accept that she had gone to get the baby at the hospital (a phrase he had been prepared with), but wanted to be cuddled continuously nonetheless.

On Mummy and Alfie's arrival home next day, Harry immediately demanded a banana, ensuring he was still going to get Mummy's attention. With banana in hand he said hello to Alfie and showed the banana to him, saying 'Look, Alfie'.

Harry and sister Jasmine were very interested in the baby, cuddling and kissing him. Harry was heavy handed in his enthusiasm, and was told many times by Jasmine to be gentle. Whenever Alfie cried, Harry would call out 'baby crying'.

Harry had his blood pressure checked this month, to monitor his kidney function. All was declared well and from now on he will only need to have an annual blood pressure test.


1 Most children demonstrate resentment at times when a new baby arrives.

How might this best be dealt with if it arises with Harry?

2 What safety issues might there be in having a child aged under two like Harry as well as a new baby?

3 Harry demonstrates good manual dexterity, manipulating construction materials such as megablocks with increasing skill. How do such construction materials benefit young children?

Answers to part 23 questions (16 February 2006)

1 For a child prone to skin conditions such as eczema, the type of nappy worn can make a great difference. Nappies which allow the skin to breathe, like Harry's nappy wrap, can help alleviate some of the discomfort and help with the healing process.

2 Role play can help a child's development in every possible way as they take on roles both observed and imaginary, interact with others, use props and artefacts to support their games, plan ahead and negotiate outcomes, and also at times to act out fears and concerns and to escape from reality, as they need to emotionally.

3 When providing clothes for dressing up, ensure they can be put on without difficulty, are not long enough to trip on and reflect gender and cultural equality rather than stereotyping and tokenism.

By Sandy Green, an early years consultant and freelance trainer. She is also Harry's grandmother.