
Nicky Morgan stays on as education secretary

Policy & Politics
Nicky Morgan has retained her position as education secretary in David Cameron’s new cabinet.

Announcing appointments on Twitter, Mr Cameron said that Ms Morgan would be ‘continuing our programme of reform’.

Ms Morgan tweeted, ‘Delighted to continue as Secretary of State for Education & Minister for Women & Equalities - lots more to do in both roles.’

Other ministerial appointments, including the early years brief, within the Department for Education have not yet been made.

The Prime Minister is overseeing the reshuffle of his new cabinet today, following announcements of some leading roles over the weekend that saw several ministers retain jobs they held under the Coalition Government.

These include George Osborne as Chancellor of the Exchequer, who has also been made first Secretary of State – the highest-ranking Cabinet minister after the PM.

Theresa May remains as Home Secretary and Philip Hammond as Foreign Secretary.

Michael Fallon, former managing director of the Just Learning chain of nurseries, will stay as Secretary of Defence.

Iain Duncan Smith is staying as Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, to oversee £12 billion in welfare cuts.

Michael Gove, who was previously Chief Whip after being moved from his job as education secretary last year, is the new Justice Secretary.

One of his first jobs will be to abolish the Human Rights Act and replace it with a British Bill of Rights. He also becomes Lord Chancellor.

Other appointments confirmed today so far are:

  • Sajid Javid is the new business secretary;
  • Robert Halfon is the new deputy chair of the Conservative Party;
  • Priti Patel is the Minister of State for Employment at the Department for Work and Pensions. She will be attending cabinet;
  • John Whittingdale, the former chair of the Commons culture committee, is the new Culture, Media and Sport secretary;
  • Amber Rudd is to be Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change;
  • Mark Harper is the new Chief Whip;
  • Chris Grayling is Leader of the House, replacing William Hague, who is no longer an MP;
  • Baroness Stowell remains as Leader of the House of Lords, attending Cabinet.

Boris Johnson, who was elected as the MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, will also be attending David Cameron’s weekly 'political cabinet' - held after the cabinet meetings - but will not have a separate ministerial role.

Mr Cameron said that Mr Johnson would ‘devote his attention to his final year as Mayor of London.

More cabinet appointments just confirmed are:

  • Liz Truss, the minister for education and childcare between 2012 and 2014, stays on as the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs;
  • Oliver Letwin will become a full member of Cabinet and will be in overall charge of the Cabinet Office;
  • Jeremy Hunt remains as Health Secretary;
  • Greg Hands has been appointed as Chief secretary to the Treasury;
  • Greg Clark is the new Secretary of State at the Department of Communities and Local Government, replacing Eric Pickles;
  • Anna Soubry is the new Minister of State for Small Business and will attend Cabinet;
  • Justine Greening will remain Secretary of State at the Department for International Development;
  • Patrick McLoughlin will remain as Secretary of State for Transport;
  • Stephen Crabb will remain Secretary of State for Wales;
  • David Mundell will become Secretary of State for Scotland;
  • Theresa Villiers will remain as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland;
  • Matt Hancock, skills minister, is now Minister of State at the Cabinet Office, leading on efficiency and Civil Service reform, and will attend Cabinet.

 Mr Cameron is now announcing more ministerial postions:

  • Penny Mordaunt will become Armed Forces Minister at Ministry of Defence - first woman in this role;
  • Mark Francois will become Minister of State at Department for Communities and Local Government;
  • Ros Altman will become Pensions Minister at the Department for Work and Pensions;
  • Alistair Burt is the new Minister of State at the Department of Health;
  • John Hayes is the new Minister of State for Security at the Home Office;
  • Jo Johnson is the Minister of State for Universities and Science at the Department for Business;
  • Philip Dunne has been promoted to Minister of State for Defence Procurement at Ministry of Defence;
  • Edward Timpson will stay as Minister of State for Children and Families at the DfE;
  • Nick Boles remains Minister of State for Skills at Department for Business, Innovation and Skills;
  • George Eustice will become Minister of State at Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs;
  • Andrea Leadsom will become Minister of State at Department for Energy and Climate Change.
  • Anne Milton will become Deputy Chief Whip;
  • Therese Coffey will become Deputy Leader of the House of Commons;
  • Harriett Baldwin will become Economic Secretary to the Treasury (City Minister);
  • Francis Maude will become Trade Minister at Foreign Office and BIS.