

The best photo of the week will win 30 worth of children's books.


Smart children show their drill skills

Children from Smart Tots in Banbury, Oxfordshire, demonstrated how goodthey are at carrying out the nursery fire drill, when their local firecrew came to visit. The children were also able to explore the brigade'sengine and get a taste of life as a member of the fire service.

Top ranking in a matter of months

The Lancing Children and Family Centre Nursery in West Sussex, whichopened last September, is delighted to have been rated 'outstanding' inits Ofsted inspection. The inspectors praised the centre for itsknowledgeable staff and their ability to ensure children are at thecentre of their own learning. Pat Arculus, West Sussex County Council'scabinet member for Children and Young People's Services, said, 'This isa remarkable achievement for the centre in such a short space of time.The staff, children and parents have all worked together to help thenursery excel in the community.' The nursery plans to move to largerpremises in the autumn, offering longer opening hours to accommodateparents' needs.

Outstanding learning investigated further

Children at Eden Nursery in Carlisle, Cumbria, celebrated being rated'outstanding' in all areas by Ofsted with a week full of activities,including a science and investigation day. Exploring a different area oflearning each day, the children enjoyed playing in the nursery'sLearning Orchard and searching for stones, which they had painted asdifferent mini beasts, for a treasure hunt.


Handa springs a surprise on stage

'Handa's Hen' by Eileen Browne (pictured), author of the classicchilden's book Handa's Surprise, tells the story of Handa and her friendAkeyo, who search for grandma's missing black hen and her secret,meeting many different animals along the way. A dramatisation for two-to five-year-olds is showing at the Little Angel Theatre in Islington,London, from 25 April to 5 July. The production combines actors,puppets, movement and songs, while the audience follow Handa and Akeyothrough a Kenyan village. For details


Help for children with FASD

A free online resource pack from Worcestershire County Council andSunfield Research Institute offers advice and information on FoetalAlcohol Spectrum Disorder, which provides childcare practitioners withresources to support children who may have FASD. The downloadable packincludes documents to help develop support strategies, case studies,information sheets and tips for communicating with children. Forinformation visit

Photo of the week

The garden at Busy Bees nursery at Farringtons in Chislehurst, Kent, hasbeen transformed by staff and parents who collaborated in painting,building and planting, with the help of father's toolkits and largeamounts of elbow grease. The garden now offers a mark-making area, agraphics tray and chalkboard, a sensory garden, a den area, a sand pitand a fence decorated in mirrors and sensory bottles for the babies.

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Early Years Adviser

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