
Quality of training matters most in qualifications reform, say nursery leaders

The quality of training providers and of assessment is more important in ensuring that the Level 2 certificate and Level 3 diploma produce competent learners than the content of the qualification, according to nursery employers.
Voting on questions put to them by CWDC assistant director Pauline Jones, nursery heads at Nursery World’s Business Summit ranked the key factors as:
1.    Quality of training provider
2.    Quality of assessment
3.    Qualification content/learning outcomes
4.    Quality of setting
5.    Guided learning hours
6.    Awarding organisation quality assurance process
7.    Funding

The vast majority (89 per cent) agreed that qualification requirements for settings on the Early Years Register should be strengthened, with 11 per cent saying they should stay the same.

Ms Jones also asked delegates what they thought were the best ways to help achieve progression from Level 3 to Early Years Professional Status. These were:
1.    Develop a higher level Apprenticeship framework
2= Develop a QCF Level 4 progression unit to Foundation Degree
2= Develop a Level 4/5 award/certificate as an alternative to a Foundation Degree
4. Promote the Foundation Degree

Ms Jones said that the CWDC was already looking at the option of a higher level Apprenticeship framework.

The questions will be available for all early years employers and practitioners to answer in an online questionnaire. Results will be fed into the Cathy Nutbrown qualifications review and given to the Department for Education.

Ms Jones also said that employers had already indicated that NVQs were not of sufficient rigour, particularly in preparing young learners for the workplace, and that they were sceptical of qualifications achieved in a very short time.