
Risk to babies' health from too much salty food

Nearly three-quarters of babies have higher than recommended salt levels because they are fed a diet of salty processed foods such as gravy, baked beans and tinned spaghetti, a new study warns.

Researchers from the University of Bristol analysed the data from the Avon Longitudinal study of 1,200 children born in and around Bristol between 1991 and 1992. They asked mothers to complete three-day dietary records for their eight-month-old babies.

The authors found that 70 per cent of babies were consuming more than double the maximum recommended amount of salt for their age, which is 400mg of sodium per day, up to 12 months old. These babies commonly drank cow’s milk as their main drink, which has a higher sodium content than breast milk or formula, ate three times the amount of bread compared to the children with low salt intake, and were given salty flavourings such as gravy and yeast extract, which is found in some spreads.

Dr Pauline Emmnett and Vicky Cribb, the nutritionists who conducted the research warn that consuming high levels of salt can damage developing kidneys and give children a taste for salty foods, which they say can establish poor eating practices that continue into adulthood.

‘This research suggests that clear advice is needed for parents about what foods are suitable for infants. This should be given to all parents and carers and should include the important advice not to use cows’ milk as a main drink before 12 months of age.’

They added, ‘Given that three-quarters of salt in the diet comes from processed adult foods, successful salt-reduction strategies can only be achieved with the co-operation of the food industry. Manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the salt content of food products. This process has already started in the UK, but much more needs to be done.’

The study, Contribution of inappropriate complementary foods to the salt intake of 8-month-old infants, is published in the July issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.