
Scotland to review how to boost children's early years

Former Scottish health minister Susan Deacon has been appointed to lead a wide-ranging review on how to improve children's early years in order to reduce the need for more costly crisis interventions later in life.

This follows a pledge from the Scottish government at the Children's Summit last week to prioritise early intervention to cut the long-term costs of ill-health, poor education and crime.

Education secretary Michael Russell said, 'Successive governments have recognised the importance of investing in the early years of a child's life to give them the best possible start they can. There is a growing body of evidence which highlights the importance of this and the positive impact which early support and intervention can have. Spending one pound on helping a child during their formative years can save the public purse up to seven pounds later on.'

Professor Deacon was Scotland's first cabinet minister for health and community care following devolution. She will be based at the University of Edinburgh where she has recently been made an Honorary Professor in the School of Social and Political Science.

The remit of her work includes developing a broad agreement on the importance of the early years of children's lives and the relationship between investment in the early years and Scotland's prosperity.

She will also examine how to break the link between poverty and how well children do at school.

Professor Deacon said, 'It is more important than ever that we work together to give Scotland's children the best possible start in life and that we find ways to combine our efforts and resources effectively.'

Recommendations are to be made by the end of the year.
