
15 hours...new working patterns

Many providers of the free entitlement also offer before and afterschool care.

This is in addition to the services they offer families with children under five, and it is especially true of settings located in rural areas. The extension to 15 hours and an increase in flexibility can present difficulties, because Ofsted-registered numbers and staffing ratios may have to be evaluated and changed.

This was the case at Oaktree Nursery in Derby, where a need to change staffing routines quickly became apparent. The nursery has managed to accommodate the transition by working with the staff team, thinking creatively about staffing, shift patterns and rotas.

Oaktree is a 71-place, purpose-built nursery with five working rooms, a beforeand after-school club and a holiday club.

Prior to the introduction of the 15 hours, the nursery offered the free entitlement in morning or afternoon sessions over five days. Alternatively, children could attend from 9am to 3.30pm with a payment required for the hour over lunchtime. With the increased hours, the nursery offers parents a little more flexibility across three main options. These are: three hours a day over five days; five hours over three days; or two six-hour days and a three-hour day.

The nursery knew they had a few issues to deal with before they could deliver the flexible offer. The additional half-hour a day had caused a significant problem because some children were now starting earlier (before 9am) and stayed later (after 3.30pm). They recognised the additional half-hour for threeand four-year-olds would impact on actual numbers of children attending out-of-school sessions during these times. While there was the space and appropriate Ofsted registration for an increased number of children, staff shift-times would have to be re-thought.

After consultation with the staff team, the majority now have condensed hours from 7.20am to 6pm over four days (instead of five) with one day off during the week. This has ensured the nursery has appropriate staff levels to cover both early and late shifts and parents/carers can have contact with their children's key person at any time in the day.

Further information

James Hempsall is director of training and research provider Hempsall's (www.hempsallconsultancies.com)