
80th anniversary: Take a tip

* How to cure a fussy eater:

You may remark that, as he is not hungry, you advise physiological rest. In simple language, you cut out feeding times for 24 hours. He has water in abundance, exercise, rest, peace. After that you will have no trouble with regard to food, and the wicked boy may be transformed into a likeable young person who appreciates his mealtimes. 9 December 1925

* How to create that longed-for curl:

To make baby's hair curl there is no sure prescription, though some of my friends have claimed successful results by brushing the hair up the wrong way with a slightly rotary movement, and have produced quite lovely curls, even though the parents were straight-haired. As the hair grew longer they trained the wee tendrils over the fingers to further encourage them. 30 December 1925

* How to stop ugly mouth breathing:

Many children have an ugly habit of breathing through their mouths. This not only gives them a vacant look, but is a frequent cause of nose, throat, and even chest trouble. It is quite easy to teach little children to breathe through their noses. Tell the child to place its finger firmly along one side of its nose, then on the other to close the nostril, and to take three short sharp breaths through the unclosed one. 13 October 1926

* How to get a good night's sleep:

A nanny writes: My charge was nearly a year old when I took her. She was 18 months old before I had a good night's rest. She would wake up every night and cry, sometimes for hours. Then one night, instead of petting her, I gave her a smacking instead. For the rest of the night it was effective.

She was very quiet. So every night after that when she woke up and cried without reason, I smacked her. At the end of three weeks, I found I had nights of undisturbed rest. 22 January 1936

* How to encourage a full head of hair:

My little girl is just two, with quick-growing straggly straight hair. I wonder if shaving would make it coarser and easier to keep in order. I know it seems a drastic thing to do, but the child will not mind in the least, and I feel I might really get her a decent head of hair. Of course she would have to wear a bonnet until she had enough hair to keep her warm. 21 December 1938

* How to serve sliced bread:

At family dinners, where the common household bread is used, it should never be cut less than an inch and a half thick. There is nothing more plebeian than thin bread at dinner. 19 December 1946

* How to reduce a child's allergies:

Cover pillows, especially feather pillows used by children susceptible to asthma and hayfever, with polythene bags of a suitable size. They prevent fluff and dust from escaping and affecting the child. 2 February 1965

* How to survive as a teacher:

Research officer of the National Children's Bureau, Dorothy Birchall, amused delegates when she recalled advice given to her on her first day as a teacher - 'Always wear a hat, gloves, no lipstick and NEVER talk to parents.' 12 April 1984

* How to gain a sought-after nursery place:

Two mothers were talking on the steps of a London day nursery. 'How did you manage to get your child into the nursery?' asked one mother enviously.

'Oh, it's easy,' said the other confidently. 'You just have to say you're frightened that you're going to start hitting the kids. Then you'll get a place!'

This is a true story. It's bad enough when people have to lie to get help, but how often does the threat become a reality? 13 March 1986


To this day, Nursery World advocates the importance of children having a balanced diet containing plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and oily fish.

Over the decades there have been some interesting concoctions suggested.

They include:

* Bone and vegetable broth - 24 November 1926

* Irish moss jelly - 6 March 1935

* Creamed meat and macaroni au gratin - 16 January 1947

* Fricassee of brains - 6 February 1947

* Steamed fish mould - 16 August 1962

* Prune jelly - 16 February 1965

* Jellied chicken salad - 5 August 1965

* Strawberry sweet omelette - 23 July 1970

* Baked fish with bacon and prunes - 27 August 1970

* Surprise cheesy fudge - 5 April 1984