
All about...D&T

Think of safety and efficiency when you put away your D&T tools and materials To make the most of D&T, children need free and easy access to appropriate tools, instruments and materials. They need to know where to find resources - and where to replace them. Organisation and storage of D&T resources in an early years setting should aim to support a child's independent learning, while ensuring their safety, and working within the confines of a limited space and budget.
Think of safety and efficiency when you put away your D&T tools and materials

To make the most of D&T, children need free and easy access to appropriate tools, instruments and materials. They need to know where to find resources -and where to replace them. Organisation and storage of D&T resources in an early years setting should aim to support a child's independent learning, while ensuring their safety, and working within the confines of a limited space and budget.

Setting up a design and technology area has its advantages: all the working mess is kept in one area; it is easily cleaned and materials can be stored there. However, confining D&T to one area can be restrictive, and more imaginative work can be achieved by occasionally moving it out of its usual context. Try taking it outdoors, for example - collaborative work is always easier to organise in a bigger space.


When choosing the best place for your D&T area, consider: Location Locate it where children will be able to concentrate. Constant distractions may lead to accidents when working with tools.

Timing Allow children to work in a sustained way.

Purpose Make available some D&T equipment across the curriculum, for example, hole punches in the writing area to make books, or boxes in the role play area to make furniture.

Scale Have scope for both individual and collaborative work.


Access Prioritise position according to how regularly resources and tools are used and whether they need to be used under supervision. Mark everything clearly - label drawers with names and pictures of the equipment, and draw silhouettes of equipment in the position in which they have to be stored.

Place tools and fixings alongside the appropriate materials.

Space Avoid hoarding; store resources in as compact a form as possible - for example, flatten boxes (and so develop children's understanding of nets).

Safety Ensure everything is stored safely and in a way that encourages children to respect and care for equipment.

Further information

Contact your local authority and 'see 'Further reading' for more guidance on safety and hygiene in food technology.