
Awards 2012: Initiatives - Working with parents award

Provision Working With Parents
Winner - Home Early Learning Project, CfBT Birth to Five Service, Lincolnshire

An innovative project engaging vulnerable families in the early education of their children is so impressive that the Nursery World judges would like to see it rolled out nationwide.

The Home Early Learning Project (HELP), commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council Children's Services Directorate, started delivering services in August 2011. Initially it ran as a pilot in the East Lindsey district, but because of its success in making a real demonstrable difference to young children's development the county council invested in its continuation and extension to a second district. There are now talks taking place on the possibility of running it across the county.

The scheme involves an initial assessment of the family before a support worker visits to understand the needs of the family and the individual children. A project plan is created with the family to support areas of focus identified in the original referral, and following this a six-session plan is delivered with content agreed with the family.

An integral part of monitoring and evaluation of the family and child's progress includes learning journeys, developed jointly with the family to describe the learning for each session. Photographs and videos express the parents' involvement and the children's responses. At the end of the project, families are referred to free nursery entitlement and the HELP team will support them as they join community groups or go to children's centres.

Parents and professionals alike praise the scheme. Social worker Reg Carvell says it is a vital service that has helped parents hone their parenting skills and actually begin to enjoy being parents. As a result of engaging with the programme, one couple have had their 18-month-old girl returned to their care and they now have far more confidence.

Highly commended

Young Mums Will Achieve, Fit 'N' Fun Kids, Cornwall

This award-winning multi-agency outreach project is aimed at teenage mums. Each group meets twice a week in eight localities of the county to provide support, guidance and learning in a relaxed non-school environment. The programme runs for a year and offers a range of courses on issues such as health and nutrition, child care and development, physical, sensory and creative play, sleep routines, potty training, Makaton, literacy and numeracy.


Boogie Mites Parent Education Music Programmes are music workshops for children and parents nationwide

The Tots on Tour Growing Talk Family Programme supports effective child-adult interactions using songs and props in Lincolnshire


Open to services or projects that support parents, enhance their understanding of their children's learning and development, or improve children's outcomes through involvement and co-operation with families.