
Learning & Development: Going green

Millington Road Nursery School, Cambridge, established its environmental action group in 2004. The group includes staff, parents and trustees.

Their aim was to make the nursery as environmentally friendly as possible, and in October 2008 the nursery was awarded the Eco-Schools Silver Certificate, which is run by the Foundation for Environmental Education. In order to achieve this accolade, the action group drew up a plan identifying ways that the nursery might be greener: by replacing leaky taps, using recycled paper and asking the cleaners to use environmentally friendly products. Mary Fields, principal, explains:

'We encouraged our parents to move towards a greener lifestyle by asking them to provide their children with organic snacks, and to consider real nappies rather than disposables.

'The children recycle their own peelings in the nursery's compost bin and plant bulbs in the garden. This year, they grew their own organic lettuces, strawberries, runner beans, tomatoes, broad beans and courgettes. They carefully water the plants using rainwater collected in water butts, which were kindly donated by a local garden centre. Delicious fresh lettuce sandwiches were made by the children and eaten at snack time, along with strawberries and tomatoes.

'A ladybird and insect tower has been also been donated to us from the garden centre to encourage insect life in the garden and to provide an opportunity for the children to observe the fauna surrounding them.

'They are introduced to the concept of caring for their environment in many different ways, and even sing songs about the environment alongside traditional nursery rhymes. The opportunity for outdoor play is available in all weathers in our outdoor classroom. We have also had our local "master composter" in to talk to the children about composting.

'We have recently put in place a "bike-to-work tax-free" initiative, whereby all staff can buy a bike tax-free. This will, hopefully, encourage more staff to cycle to work and do their bit to reduce CO2 emissions, while also improving their health and wellbeing. We hope to get a new, bigger bike shed or covered area soon to store all the extra bikes, trailers and buggies.

'Our quest to become greener has brought together the children, staff, parents and trustees. On the whole, it has been extremely successful.'

This is an edited extract from My Favourite Colour is Green.

My Favourite Colour is Green - Inspiring children to care for their planet aims to support early years practitioners in engaging young children's interest in their environment, sustainable living and climate change. It is published by the Pre-school Learning Alliance at £12.60 (members) and £16.75 (non-members). To order a copy, visit: www.pre-school.org.uk/shop.