
Nursery World Awards 2011: Organisations - School early years team of the year

WINNER: Caverstede Early Years Centre, Walton, Peterborough

Caverstede celebrates 65 years as a nursery school this year and five years as a children's centre, after becoming an Early Excellence Centre in 2002 in recognition of its work with children with special needs.

Its ethos is about keeping the child and the family at the centre of practice. It has a long-standing history of high-quality inclusive practice, and a quarter of its places are for children with special educational needs. Practitioners value children and families as unique and respond to their needs sensitively and with skill.

Last year, Caverstede was graded outstanding in both its early years inspection and section 5 inspection, in addition to gaining a Bronze Investors in People Award, which acknowledged the high level of empowerment felt by staff.

Peterborough's Early Years Foundation Stage and Children's Centre Services team chose Caverstede as an ideal venue for monthly training on observations, so that private and voluntary sector trainees could see first-hand quality provision and effective practice.

Jacki Kinsella, Records of Achievement/Transitions team leader at Peterborough local authority, said, 'Trainees commented on the way staff seamlessly supported children's learning across the whole environment. Team working is very much in evidence throughout.'

The 'child's voice' is central to the way the centre works. Practitioners give children the time and space they need to make choices and trust them to make decisions, so that children develop autonomy in their learning and become creative and resourceful.

Criterion: Open to Early Years Foundation Stage or equivalent teams in maintained nursery schools and primary schools.

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