
Nursery World Awards 2011: Resources - Staff resources

Equipment & Resources
WINNER: All About the Outdoors, Siren Films

'All About the Outdoors - Play, learning and development' is a set of three inspiring documentaries filmed from the child's viewpoint and conveying the developmental needs of the very young, how the under-threes learn and the importance of the outdoors as a place for fun and learning.

Each follows six children throughout each year and shows child-led learning in action alongside sensitive adult-child interactions.

'Babies Outdoors' (0-12 months) depicts a world of wonder for these babies in ordinary everyday events and includes information on physical movement, attachment and physical and cognitive development.

'Toddlers Outdoors' (12-24 months) focuses on developmental trends, schemas and the importance of sensory stimulation, body movement and increasing investigation and independence for the toddler's learning and well-being.

'Two Year Olds Outdoors' (two to three years) illustrates the explosion of language, imagination and social abilities that develop at this age and presents convincing evidence of how the outdoor environment meets so many needs of this fascinating age group.

The set comes with comprehensive user notes that link developmental theory with practice.

The films can be used by anyone involved in training, from Level 3 up to MA.

Wendy Thompson, Early Years Professional programme leader, University of Hull, says, 'Collectively, the six children in the films provide a rich resource in terms of observational material, highlighting the expected behavioural and developmental characteristics of this particular age group.

'The quality of the film work is outstanding and it gives a unique insight to the interests and concerns of children in the outdoor environment.'


Risk and Adventure in Early Years Outdoor Play: Learning from Forest Schools by Sara Knight (Sage)

Risk and Adventure in Early Years Outdoor Play: Learning from Forest Schools explains how early years practitioners can plan adventurous and challenging outdoor activities for the children in their care and use natural resources to their best advantage. Written by Sara Knight and published by Sage, this welcome title offers clear, practical advice on how to approach outdoor learning, with examples to illustrate best practice. It tackles a wealth of important and related topics, including: being outside in 'bad' weather; the importance of risk-taking; the benefits of rough and tumble play; health and safety; the role of the adult; and how to explain activities to parents.


Yum, Yum, Yummy - Healthy food All Year Round Resources Pack - Squash Nutrition

Criterion: Open to early years resources and equipment that help early years practitioners support children's learning, development and enjoyment in the Early Years Foundation Stage or equivalent.