
Work Matters: Management Focus - Staff development - Inside the Dome

Early years settings might find themselves better equipped for the EYFS if they call in the consultants. Karen Faux reports.

According to the Fisherfield Farm Children's Day Nursery chain in Lancashire, using the services of the consultancy Early Years and Childcare Associates has helped it to meet the requirements of the EYFS with confidence and also to hone all aspects of its business.

Director David Macgill says, 'We started work with ECA in November 2007 because we needed all eight of our settings to be ready by September this year, and it worked with us to create a plan that would enable each location to achieve the required standard before the deadline.

'This involved a combination of regular visits to the nurseries, where observations and advice were given as well as structured training sessions for all employees. These were supported with detailed reports and meetings between ECA and senior managers in order to track progress.

'We are pleased to say we achieved our objective early and by June all our nurseries and after-school clubs were competent in the EYFS.'

ECA delivers this training within the framework of its Learning Dome programme, devised by the company's Judith Heald. This focuses on four areas - developmental stages; observation, planning and assessment; meeting children's needs; and effective learning environments.

Ms Heald says, 'One of the major areas for Fisherfield was effective observation, planning and assessment. We worked closely with them to develop a tailor-made system that suited their needs throughout the six nurseries and two after-school clubs. All practitioners were involved in the process, starting with team leaders and junior practitioners and finishing with managers. By beginning with the staff on the ground, we were able to gain a workable system, and ultimately managers achieved a much better overview.'

By pursuing four interconnecting areas as part of a continuing training process, ECA believes it is able to enhance a setting's ability to be reflective. Meanwhile its emphasis on involving all staff is designed to boost each individual's sense of responsibility.

'For example, the training helps room leaders to understand they are the first link in the management chain, and must be competent role models for the other staff working with them,' says Ms Heald. 'Following our one-to-one training, these leaders feel empowered and motivated to improve their rooms for the sake of the children - and for colleagues as well.'

At Fisherfield Farm, David MacGill corroborates the rise in motivation levels. 'A bonus is that we have seen significant improvements in the general skills levels of our employees, and this had a positive effect on their confidence and interaction with children, parents and their peer groups beyond the nursery.'

Early Years and Childcare Associates is run by Judith Heald and Sarah Quinn, based in Stockport. See www.early-years-eca.co.uk.

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