
Work Matters: On course

Careers & Training
23-24 January - Nursery world show 2009

Nursery World's annual exhibition, co-sponsored by the CWDC along with4Children, NCMA, PLA and NCB, offers an array of exhibitors in earlyyears equipment, publishing, recruitment, training and professionalassociations, plus a thought-provoking agenda of 12 seminars over twodays. Creche services available. - Islington, London. Price: seminars10 each, exhibition entry free. Visit www.nurseryworldshow.comfor information and registration

21, 28 January - Designing And Making In The Foundation Stage: Anexciting Vehicle For Learning

This course will clarify the requirements for teaching designing andmaking in the foundation stage and explore what young children learnfrom it. Participants can review their current practice, develop basicwoodwork skills and learn how to set up, organise and resource aworkshop area. - London. Cost:pounds 240. Visit www.ioe.ac.uk/cpd orphone 020 7612 6589/6987

28 January - Maths in the Foundation Stage: Problem-Solving, Reasoningand Numeracy

Practitioners will gain support in developing appropriate activities andresources to enhance the mathematical learning of young children,looking at how children develop mathematical understanding, skills andlanguage, and the crucial role of the adult in this process. - London.Cost:130. Visit www.ioe.ac.uk/cpd or call 020 7612 6589/6987

6 February - Upward Spirals in Language Development in the EarlyYears

The Spirals approach can increase the levels of thinking, communication,confidence and fun in early years settings. This course, offered byspeech and language charity I CAN and based on the book LanguageDevelopment: Circletime Small Group Sessions to Develop CommunicationSkills by educational psychologist Marion Nash, focuses on children'slanguage, listening, thinking and social skills. Includes course bookand an interactive session. - London. Cost: 200. E-mailtraining@ican.org or call 0845 225 4071/020 7843 2510