
Work matters: On course

Careers & Training
14 - 15 November - Daycare Trust Conference - Childcare 2007.

The first day of this event will focus on how to achieve a high standardof childcare without inflating costs. The second day will featurechildcare experts and key industry providers advising on a range ofchildcare solutions. - London. Cost: from 149 plus VAT. Visitwww.symposium-events.co.uk or call 020 7403 3990.

21 November - NDNA's Autumn Conference. This one-day conference by theNational Day Nurseries Association will examine how local authoritiesand providers can work together to achieve the vision of sufficienthigh-quality childcare for all children. A number of guest speakers willaddress key issues for the sector, including improving the skills of thechildcare workforce and how local authorities can secure and supportsufficient local provision. The conference is suitable for all those whowork in early years childcare and local authorities. - London. Cost:from 209. Call Marijana Sevic 020 7227 1643 or e-mailmarijana@westminsteradvisors.co.uk.

22 - 23 November - The Early Years Foundation Stage: Views from near andfar. This roundtable and conference will explore the EYFS curriculumfrom an international perspective. Speakers include the Rt Hon BeverleyHughes MP, Lilian Katz, Ingrid Pramling-Samuelsson, Margy Whalley, IramSiraj-Blatchford, Claire Quinlan, Maria Evangelou and Kathy Sylva. -Oxford. Cost: from 60. E-mail jenny.good @education.ox.ac.uk orcall 01865 284095.

13 February 2008 - Early Years Foundation Stage: Effective Preparationand Implementation. Join Nursery World for this exploration of the EYFS.Delegates will consider implementation, delivery and best practice.Guest speakers will include Ruth Pimentel, national director of theFoundation Stage. - Birmingham. Cost: from 199. Visitwww.eyfsconference.com or call Haymarket Conferences 020 8267 4011.