
Aiming High for Children

The Government's final report for the joint review of its children and young people's policy, Aiming High for Children: Supporting Families, published by the DfES last week, lays out plans for the reform of children's services over the next Comprehensive Spending Review period and includes support for extended schools, early years services and parenting. The report includes two sub-reviews, Raising the life chances of all children through a preventative approach, and Supporting families caught in a life cycle of low achievement. The report and the Children's Workforce Strategy Update - Spring 2007 are at
The Government's final report for the joint review of its children and young people's policy, Aiming High for Children: Supporting Families, published by the DfES last week, lays out plans for the reform of children's services over the next Comprehensive Spending Review period and includes support for extended schools, early years services and parenting.

The report includes two sub-reviews, Raising the life chances of all children through a preventative approach, and Supporting families caught in a life cycle of low achievement. The report and the Children's Workforce Strategy Update - Spring 2007 are at