
Call for schools to teach children about sleep

Health campaigners are calling for the importance of a good night's sleep to be taught in schools as part of the national curriculum.

Experts from Edinburgh Sleep Council, Sleep Matters and the Sleep Council say it is as important as teaching children about healthy food and exercise.

They warn that sleep is crucial for memory, learning and growth, and children's poor sleep habits can lead to long-term sleep problems, obesity and heart disease.

Dr Chris Idzikowski, director of the Edinburgh Sleep Council, said, 'Our education system must take this subject on board in a serious and structured way. We teach children about nutrition and ensure regular exercise is part of their weekly activities, but the third crucial ingredient of a healthy lifestyle, sleep, is barely touched upon.'

The call for action follows a survey by the Sleep Council of more than 2,000 parents which found that nearly half of parents who had children under five were not aware that their children needed 12 hours sleep a night at the age of three.

The Pillow Time survey also revealed that two-thirds of parents said they had never been advised about good sleep by a health visitor, midwife, teacher or GP, and 67 per cent said they sometimes worried about the amount of sleep their children got.

As a result of the survey, the Sleep Council has launched a petition on the Downing Street website calling for sleep education to be taught in schools.

They have also published a new guide for parents and carers about children and sleep. The Goodnight Guide for Children is free to download and includes information on how to establish a good sleep routine and create the perfect environment for sleep.

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