
Call to broaden EC targets

The leader of a Scottish charity is lobbying the European Commission to give the lead to member states in broadening the scope of their early years services.

Children in Scotland is one of the founder members of Children inEurope, a European multi-lingual magazine. Children in Scotlandpublishes the English language magazine in UK and Ireland. Children inEurope has published a policy paper in support of this issue, withrepresentatives presenting the paper in Brussels.

They argue that Europe's targets are only concerned with provision forworking parents. The aim is to raise awareness of the other purposesearly years education and family services can serve, such as eliminatingchild poverty.

Bronwen Cohen, chief executive of Children in Scotland, led the call onthe European Commission in Brussels seminars last week.

Ms Cohen said, 'The Barcelona targets were just concerned with makingprovision for working parents. These seminars confirmed the need towiden the Barcelona targets made in 2002, as there is a variety of rolesand purposes that early years can serve.

'We are not saying there should be single models though - diversity isvery important.

'The Barcelona targets are being reviewed by the European Commissionright now,' she added. 'So hopefully there will be a response to thecall for broader targets.'

One seminar, 'Improving the well-being of young children in Europe: therole of early years services', was held by Eurochild, an internationalNGO, in association with Unicef.

Eurochild has recently set up two thematic working groups focused oninitiating a changing view of the role of the early years sector. Theyare entitled 'Early Years Education and Care and its role in mitigatingpoverty and educational disadvantage', and 'Family and ParentingSupport'.

To view the policy paper, visit