
Callum Scott donned a sombrero to play the bagpipes

(Photograph) - Callum Scott donned a sombrero to play the bagpipes at the Birrell Collection nursery group's annual multicultural day. Fellow nursery pupils Katie Logie (left) and Claire Munro danced along, helped by instructor Kizzy Elliott. More than 30 pre-school children enjoyed the opportunity to watch international dancers, sing songs and enjoy food from around the world during the event at Morningside United Church Hall in Edinburgh. Photo: Stuart Nimmo/Newsflash
(Photograph) - Callum Scott donned a sombrero to play the bagpipes at the Birrell Collection nursery group's annual multicultural day. Fellow nursery pupils Katie Logie (left) and Claire Munro danced along, helped by instructor Kizzy Elliott. More than 30 pre-school children enjoyed the opportunity to watch international dancers, sing songs and enjoy food from around the world during the event at Morningside United Church Hall in Edinburgh. Photo: Stuart Nimmo/Newsflash