
Cheese and onion pasties

Ingredients * 1 small onion * 50g margarine * 50g plain flour * 250ml full fat milk * 75g grated cheddar cheese * packet ready-made puff pastry * pinch of dried mustard powder * salt and pepper

* 1 small onion * 50g margarine * 50g plain flour * 250ml full fat milk * 75g grated cheddar cheese * packet ready-made puff pastry * pinch of dried mustard powder * salt and pepper

Children's age: All ages

Makes: Four large servings

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

T = together A = adult

T Preheat the oven to 200xC.

A Chop the onion finely. Place the margarine in a saucepan, add the onion and cook slowly over a medium heat.

A Take the saucepan off the heat.

T Add the flour and stir to form a thick paste. This mixture is called a 'roux'.

A Place the roux back on to the heat and cook for two minutes to remove the starchy flavour. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

T Measure out the milk and add it gradually to the roux to prevent lumps.

A Put the saucepan back over a low heat and bring slowly to the boil, stirring constantly to form a thick sauce.

T Add the cheese and stir until melted. Season with salt and pepper and a pinch of mustard powder.

T To prepare the pastry, remove from packaging. Dust a clean surface with a handful of flour. Roll out the pastry as thinly as possible. Take a large round pastry cutter and cut out at least four circles or more.

T Place a teaspoon of the cheese sauce in the middle of each circle. Brush the edges with milk or egg and fold over the pastry to form a semicircle. Using a fork, press down on the edges to make a good seal.

T Place on a baking tray and cook for approximately 7-10 minutes.

To serve: Serve these delicious pasties with a fresh green salad.

Illustration by Amanda Lillywhite