
Common cause

Ever wondered what the Early Childhood Forum does? Judith Napier looks at the activities of the ECF as it aims to integrate and strengthen the childcare sector As a Nursery World reader you, or your setting, probably belong to an early years organisation. You can be pretty sure that the organisation belongs to the Early Childhood Forum (ECF). But what does it do?
Ever wondered what the Early Childhood Forum does? Judith Napier looks at the activities of the ECF as it aims to integrate and strengthen the childcare sector

As a Nursery World reader you, or your setting, probably belong to an early years organisation. You can be pretty sure that the organisation belongs to the Early Childhood Forum (ECF). But what does it do?


The ECF started in 1993 as the Early Childhood Education Forum (ECEF), the vision of Gillian Pugh, then director of the Early Childhood Unit at the National Children's Bureau (NCB). Gillian realised that if childcare, education and health were to be integrated, organisations that represented its facets needed to talk.

Under Gillian's leadership, the membership signed up to a common set of principles and aims.

In 2000 the ECEF became a more independent body, electing Julie Fisher (above, left) as its first chair from member representatives and adopted a new name - Early Childhood Forum. ECF retains a close link with the NCB - Sue Owen, Early Childhood Unit director, sits on the steering group, and ECF co-ordinator Ann-Marie McAuliffe is an NCB employee (see Further Information).

Aims and objectives

The ECF brings together 41 member organisations, reflecting a broad range of views but all united in their concern to develop the wellbeing of children from birth.

ECF acts as the voice of early years professionals when speaking at the highest levels of Government. If you want the ECF to raise an issue contact your member organisation (contact ECF for membership details, see below).


One of the most effective meetings of the ECEF was with then education secretary Gillian Shepherd. In the face of rumours that vouchers were to be introduced, the Forum argued for money to be distributed through local partnerships, and drew up the model that became Early Years Development and Childcare Partnerships.

The publication of its document Quality in Diversity established an agenda for discussing quality between childcare providers and across various sectors.

Since then, it has pursued a lobbying role. The Forum meets five times yearly, enabling members to lobby significant people from major government agencies.

The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, DfES, Teacher Training Agency and Ofsted send observers to respond to questions and report back concerns raised by ECF members.

Chair Julie Fisher comments, 'The fact that 41 organisations, representing so many practitioners and other professionals, have the ear of the minister means that any case is much more strongly made. Together we are much stronger than the sum of our individual groups.'


Forum meetings allow members to give feedback on key policy and practice developments, and report on activity related to the Forum's own Action Plan, the main elements being:

* Children's rights and entitlements

* Training and education

* Partnership and liaison

* Addressing inequalities and valuing diversity

* Evaluation of practice.

Steering group

The Forum's elected steering group comprises Sue Griffin (National Childminding Association), Jane Lane (Early Years Equality) and Melian Mansfield (Campaign for State Education). One member organisation is represented each month.

Current campaigns

Current issues include the negative impact of the Literacy and Numeracy Strategies on Foundation Stage practice; confusion about the Ofsted inspection regimes; and the lack of an early years sector skills council.


Member organisations include:

* Children in Scotland * Children in Wales * Council for Awards in Children's Care and Education * Education Council for Disabled Children n Daycare Trust * Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network * Early Years Equality * Kids' Clubs Network * National Association of Education Inspectors, Advisors and Consultants * National Campaign for Nursery Education * National Childminding Association * National Day Nurseries Association * Northern Ireland Pre-school Playgroups Association n Pre-school Learning Alliance * Refugee Council * World Organisation for Early Childhood Education.

Further information

Contact Ann-Marie McAuliffe, ECF co-ordinator, on 020 7843 6071, or