
Count the levels

Our setting has just received a childcare survey from the DfES. Included was a list of qualifications for the childcare sector.

In this list I see that the HNC and HND qualifications have beendevalued to level 3. Here we go again - you work hard all day, study atnight to improve yourself, and then along comes someone at the DfESchanging something, and you feel like it was a waste of time.

It is reminiscent of the DPP, which is also listed as a level 3, and thefuss way back then.

If an HNC takes two years part-time to achieve and you have to holdlevel three to get on the course, then it must be a level 4. The HNDtakes three years, a cap and gown qualification and only a year off afull degree, so it must be a level 5, the same as a foundationdegree.

Is anyone else as fed up with this as me? They want us to become EarlyYears Professionals, but cannot seem to sort out where anyone is on thequalifications ladder.

CAROL WEBB, Busy Bees Pre-School, The Salvation Army Citadel, RaikesParade, Blackpool.