

It's September, and I don't know about you, but this month always feels like the start of a new year for me. It must be the lifelong impression that our schooldays make. It's time to make a fresh start, get your mind into gear and look forward to learning new things or thinking about old ones with a more experienced viewpoint. This issue of Professional Nanny should offer plenty of food for thought on what is the core subject of nannying -children!It looks at how children's time is most comfortably managed, how nannies and parents should divide their responsibilities, what one experienced nanny recommends for keeping children happy through the day, and what popular childcare books have to say. If you worked in a nursery or school you'd probably have a chance at what's called 'continuing professional development' and get sent on courses or given extra duties. But as a nanny, unless you've got one of those enlightened employers who pay for you to go on a first aid course, you have to teach yourself. Next month we'll look at how to keep your skills and CV up to date - and every month we'll try to help you keep learning!
It's September, and I don't know about you, but this month always feels like the start of a new year for me. It must be the lifelong impression that our schooldays make. It's time to make a fresh start, get your mind into gear and look forward to learning new things or thinking about old ones with a more experienced viewpoint. This issue of Professional Nanny should offer plenty of food for thought on what is the core subject of nannying - children!It looks at how children's time is most comfortably managed, how nannies and parents should divide their responsibilities, what one experienced nanny recommends for keeping children happy through the day, and what popular childcare books have to say.

If you worked in a nursery or school you'd probably have a chance at what's called 'continuing professional development' and get sent on courses or given extra duties. But as a nanny, unless you've got one of those enlightened employers who pay for you to go on a first aid course, you have to teach yourself. Next month we'll look at how to keep your skills and CV up to date -and every month we'll try to help you keep learning!