
Editor's view

Nannies, like parents, are entitled to the occasional bit of 'me time' - and what better way to recharge your professional batteries than a little self-indulgence? We're offering some products for personal pampering, in the 'Nanny Treats' section on page 4 and in the feature on what a well-prepared nanny packs in her bag, on page 8. Of course, looking after your body isn't just about looking good; it should result in feeling good. So raise a glass to National Drink Water Day on 17 July, and teach children about the health benefits of water with our feature on page 12. This month's cookery feature also makes healthy eating a joint effort.
Nannies, like parents, are entitled to the occasional bit of 'me time' - and what better way to recharge your professional batteries than a little self-indulgence? We're offering some products for personal pampering, in the 'Nanny Treats' section on page 4 and in the feature on what a well-prepared nanny packs in her bag, on page 8. Of course, looking after your body isn't just about looking good; it should result in feeling good.

So raise a glass to National Drink Water Day on 17 July, and teach children about the health benefits of water with our feature on page 12. This month's cookery feature also makes healthy eating a joint effort.

June has been National Childcare Month, with special weeks promoting day nurseries, playgroups, childminders and out-of-school clubs. Nannies have been snubbed by the organisers, presumably because they are not registered care. But plenty of families know nannies are worth celebrating, and so do we. Raising nannies' profile should improve professional standards, training and self-esteem just as much as it would for other carers. So let's hear it for professional nannies!.