
Editor's View

The Early Years Foundation Stage will not be fully operational until September 2008, but already training plans are swinging into action and practitioners are starting to consider how their work with children will be affected.

The first task for most settings is getting to grips with the EYFS packand documentation - what's in it, what it means for you and yoursetting. So we know that our new series by early years educationspecialist Lena Engel will be a really useful resource. Lena will lookat each part of the EYFS pack in turn - the statutory framework, theprinciples into practice cards, the practice guidance, and the DVDresources - and will explain the contents, approach and implications.This week, Lena begins with the statutory framework. Make sure you don'tmiss the rest of this great pull-out series.

Amid the continuing attention focused on the problems of childhoodobesity and poor diets, it is lamentable that there is so littleguidance and regulation on early years nutrition. So the launch of a newset of awards to highlight the best food provision in nurseries is verywelcome. Nursery World is supporting the awards - turn to page 9 to readall about it and to enter your nursery if you have exciting, healthymeals.