
Editor's view

Nursery World is delighted that the Department for Education and Skills' Foundation Stage team, led by Lesley Staggs, is writing another year-long series of articles for the magazine. It is based on the Celebrating Young Children project and looks at the experiences of 12 different children across a range of settings, and at how they are supported by parents and practitioners. In this issue, we are briefly introduced to all the children, and we look forward to reading their stories in depth in future articles. The series will be particularly illuminating as consultation on the Early Development and Learning Framework, pulling together Birth to Three and the Foundation Stage, rolls out.
Nursery World is delighted that the Department for Education and Skills' Foundation Stage team, led by Lesley Staggs, is writing another year-long series of articles for the magazine. It is based on the Celebrating Young Children project and looks at the experiences of 12 different children across a range of settings, and at how they are supported by parents and practitioners.

In this issue, we are briefly introduced to all the children, and we look forward to reading their stories in depth in future articles. The series will be particularly illuminating as consultation on the Early Development and Learning Framework, pulling together Birth to Three and the Foundation Stage, rolls out.

Lesley Staggs will also be appearing at Nursery World's forthcoming conference, 'Quality in Early Years Education and Childcare', on 22 November, where she will be talking about the progress of the new framework. She takes her place among an excellent line-up of speakers - Kathy Sylva, head of the Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE), Maurice Smith of Ofsted, Sue Owen of the National Children's Bureau, and the Children's Workforce Development Council will all be on stage as well as taking part in extended discussion sessions during which delegates can make their opinions known. Make sure you're there. You'll find your booking form in this week's magazine.

Liz Roberts, editor