
Editor's view

The Government's proposals to track pre-school children with parents in jail, on the grounds that they are at a higher risk of becoming criminals themselves, have been met with concern by childcare experts (see News, page 4). Practitioners working in Sure Start schemes and early years settings, who could be expected to help implement a tracking system, would no doubt feel uncomfortable about a procedure that could stigmatise very young children rather than supporting them.
The Government's proposals to track pre-school children with parents in jail, on the grounds that they are at a higher risk of becoming criminals themselves, have been met with concern by childcare experts (see News, page 4).

Practitioners working in Sure Start schemes and early years settings, who could be expected to help implement a tracking system, would no doubt feel uncomfortable about a procedure that could stigmatise very young children rather than supporting them.

The fact that the proposals have come from the policing minister Hazel Blears adds weight to the notion that the emphasis is on crime prevention, not on giving all children the best start in life.

Meanwhile, the start of the new school year is fast approaching, and Nursery World will be full of great ideas and information, plus plenty of free supplements that you can't afford to miss. Next week, our preview for the London Early Years and Primary Teaching Exhibition is published along with a project poster, while on 9 September you'll receive Nursery Equipment and Out of School in a bumper package, closely followed by Nursery Topics, Professional Nanny and Nursery Business. Make sure you don't miss a single issue!