
EYDCPs seek independence

Some Early Years Development and Childcare Partnerships are calling for greater independence and co-ordination, amid growing concerns that the Department for Education and Employment is telling them what to do rather than letting them speak for themselves. Bob Janes, chair of Derbyshire EYDCP, has invited those interested in setting up a national partnerships' lobby group or forum to get in touch with him. The forum would be independent of the DfEE and act as a voice on partnership issues.
Some Early Years Development and Childcare Partnerships are calling for greater independence and co-ordination, amid growing concerns that the Department for Education and Employment is telling them what to do rather than letting them speak for themselves.

Bob Janes, chair of Derbyshire EYDCP, has invited those interested in setting up a national partnerships' lobby group or forum to get in touch with him. The forum would be independent of the DfEE and act as a voice on partnership issues.

He said, 'Partnerships have found their feet, and are responsible for spending quite a lot of money. It's not unreasonable that they should have a voice that isn't dependent on the DfEE. I think there is a feeling of solidarity among partnerships.

'Partnerships might be better consulted about strategy. They might be asked before things are done. It's not the nature of the tasks that's the problem, it's the way we are being expected to do things without taking part in the decision-making.'

Tricia David, chair of Kent EYDCP, said she had also felt the same, but she believed the situation was improving. She said her EYDCPwas among a group of more than 12 that had sent a letter to employment minister Margaret Hodge in the autumn setting out their concerns. 'We said we are doing our best, but we can't do it without being listened to, and can we have a dialogue?

'I'm very optimistic that they have taken it on board. I think we need some more formal and informal links that we organise for ourselves.' Bob Janes can be contacted on 01629 580000 ext 6007 or e-mail