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Supporting inclusion in the early years. By Caroline A Jones. (Open University Press, 16.99, ISBN 0335210910, 01628 770 224) Reviewed by Collette Drifte, early years consultant
Supporting inclusion in the early years. By Caroline A Jones. (Open University Press, 16.99, ISBN 0335210910, 01628 770 224)

Reviewed by Collette Drifte, early years consultant

This is a thorough and carefully written book. There are varied and interesting illustrative case studies as well as plenty of direct quotes from early years practitioners.

The book includes a good exploration of inclusion and how the author sees it currently being practised in early years settings. She focuses particularly on a need for a change in attitudes and a perception that is still held by some practitioners, of children with special educational needs as somehow being apart from 'normal' children and therefore needing to be 'caught early' and given special consideration. This is a vitally important point, and any open discussion of it is very welcome.

The author poses questions that are thought-provoking and important for all of us in the early years field to ponder as we continually monitor our practices and perceptions.

This book is fairly academic in tone, but it contains some excellent arguments and so it deserves to be read and re-read.