
Fruit mousse

Fruit mousse Ingredients:
Fruit mousse


* 440g strawberries/raspberries * 1 orange * 50-75g sifted icing sugar * 300ml double cream * 2 eggs (reserve the whites)

To serve: a handful of raspberries or strawberries to decorate Children's age: All ages

Makes: 4 servings

Preparation time: 20 minutes

T = together A = adult

A Wash all of the fruit and either crush the berries finely or rub through a sieve.

A Cut the orange into half and squeeze.

T Put one tablespoon of juice into a bowl, and add 50g icing sugar to sweeten.

T Whip 300ml of double cream until stiff and add in the sweetened fruit juice.

A Separate the eggs and whisk up the egg white until they become stiff and form peaks.

T Fold the cream and beaten egg whites together with the fruit mixture, incorporating as much air as possible.

T Spoon into four serving glasses or into a glass bowl. Chill until served.

To serve: this fruit mousse is delicious served with additional berries as decoration.

Illustration by Amanda Lillywhite